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The wonders of Gratitude

Jan 12, 2025

My main goal at Dojiva is to provide ideas, exercise classes and mindfulness practices that help you along the path of healthy living. And I want to make it simple and easy so that you don’t have to think too hard about the how, when and what to do. 

But how do you know when you’re on track? Well, I am hoping that you can see and feel the difference. E.g: 

  • A shift to good posture becomes natural 
  • You forget about that niggling pain
  • You realise you have stopped eating a favourite but unhealthy food
  • You find yourself training three times a week (and enjoying the process)
  • You are naturally more mindful and in the flow of life
  • You notice that you react to stressful moments more calmly
  • You fall (and stay) asleep more easily and…
  • You get compliments on your physique/posture!

The less known wellbeing practice

Following on from a recent focus about positivity, this week the land at gratitude

Unless you are familiar with a gratitude practice, reciting to yourself something that you are grateful for might seem odd and not at all easy. Especially if this wasn’t in your upbringing or social or cultural surroundings.

I remember being on a training in Lake Tahoe around 2003. At a social meal, a group of trainees took turns to say three things that we were grateful for that day. I was quite uncomfortable with the exchange and struggled to think of anything. Then in time (perhaps influenced by training in yoga a few years later), I began to embrace a gratitude practice and awaken to the benefits.

Here are a few sample phrases:

  • I am grateful for the air that I breathe
  • I am grateful for the clothes on my skin
  • I am grateful for the family, friends and colleagues that I interact with
  • I am grateful for this plate of food
  • I am grateful for this glass water
  • I am grateful for the sun/rain

You could try your own…

  • I am grateful for… personal thing 1
  • I am grateful for… personal thing 2
  • I am grateful for… personal thing 3

Other ideas for day to day life

 Gratitude is a great tool for being more present in daily life and presence is a key tenant of Dojiva. Here are some suggestions to get more in the flow of things:

  • When gardening, pause to be grateful for the plants you are pruning/planting
  • Give thanks to your indoor plants as you water them
  • Bless the water that you shower in
  • Take a walk in nature, find a bench and awaken your senses. You can appreciate the trees, birds, sunlight, flowers, mushrooms, streams, insects that you can see, hear and touch.
  • While out for a walk, say an inner thank you to your body… that’s your legs, lungs, heart, blood, muscles, joints… all of you, bless it all!

A regular (but even a one time) practice of gratitude and daily blessings can lead to significant physical and mental benefits and positively affect many factors in life.

This is of course unique to you and you can be your own experiment. Over the next seven days and beyond, you might find that you:

  • Are generally more positive about yourself
  • Are less likely to experience bouts of feeling down
  • Notice pain and tension reduce
  • Are generally more calm
  • Sleep better (gratitude works really well as you tick off)!
  • Become more resilient to stress
  • Experience more balanced emotions
  • Are happier in day to day interactions
  • Get a self esteem/self confidence boost 
  • Have a more optimistic out-look for the future
  • Are more mindful… gratitude naturally brings you to the movement 
  • Are less judgmental and… 
  • That relationships with colleagues, friends and family improve


Throughout this week, why not send appreciative, positive and gratifying vibes to yourself, others and your environment? Let me know how you find it and about any changes you discover by the end of the week.

Thanks for reading.

Take care.


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