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Dojiva samples part three - MEDITATION Practice

Jan 29, 2021

The meditative state is not that elusive, it's actually quite natural and simply involves being aware of what is happening. 

This is number three in a six part series of blogs show-casing the Dojiva Online Studio. It's a guided practice into the meditative state.

There are many terms for this:

  • Presence
  • Being
  • Flow
  • Mindfullness
  • In 'the zone'
  • Pure awareness
  • Consciousness
  • Oneness
  • Heart centred-ness
  • Liberation 

You can recognise when you’re more present as you will experience a sense of peacefulness, expansiveness and body comfort. When you are distracted and lost in thought, your experience is more of tension, contraction and body tightness.

At first, for many meditation is not easy. But with practice you will soon notice that your thoughts are less bothersome and you’ll find yourself enjoying more clarity and flow in life.

Simply find a quiet space, pop on some headphones and hit play with the above video.

This a just sample from the Dojiva archive that has well over 100 classes available right now (50 of which are about mental well-being).

You can read more about the Dojiva Online Studio at this web-page:

Write up and intro video

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