What a strange title coming for a health coach. And why would anybody want to gain fat weight? Hold on please. I am taking a reverse approach to get a message across. Please read on and I'll explain all.
[5 minute read]. Humans have been evolving for a long long time. And, we have always been lean... even up to the 1970's it was unusual to see many people over-weight.
Then came some poor, agenda driven dietary science about how fats are bad for our health and that we should replace them with carbs. And the fats we do eat should come in the form of highly processed and inflammatory poly unsaturated fats (industrial seed oils) and we should avoid natural saturated fats. Also, food scientists engineered a magic combination of sugar, salt and fat that could make food highly addictive (enter processed foods).
It seems we may have taken advice from food companies that do not have our health in mind. Rather they want you to buy their product.
Oh yes, and the same dietary advice was dished out by the specialists (who thought they were doing the right thing). So, is being over-weight and the resulting ill health your fault? Absolutely not and with a few simple tweaks to your lifestyle you can make a big and positive change.
So, by the 80's and beyond, much of the world's health took a nose dive and if you look around now, it's normal to see many over-weight people... on the TV, in your neighbourhood, maybe closer to home and worryingly with so many children.
This is not ok and I want to help those affected by obesity. I want people to rise up and embrace dietary changes, embrace the wonders of dynamic (yet brief) bouts of exercise and embrace a paradigm shift of overall health.
Now, back to the blog title... strategies to gain (fat) weight. I would adopt these 5 points:
I might then sit back and realise that within 6 months I will have changed my physique dramatically. In 5 years... who knows what state my hormones and organs would be in.
However I am not about to begin a decline in my own health and I do not want to gain inflammatory and unsightly fat as I age.
This list is extremely brief and each of these five points merit their own detailed blog. However, this short blog is designed to be a little inspiration for you to delve deeper and do your own research.
With the above strategies in place, you will help you lower your insulin levels, boost your metabolism, feel great, get results and improve your long term health.
However, this list is not exhaustive and to lose weight safely, effectively and permanently you also need to consider these points:
Thanks for reading. If you think I can help with private sessions or you would like info about the Dojiva membership site, please drop me a line.
Take care of yourself today
Thanks Danny
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